Blessed Anne-Catherine Emmerich 18th Century
(1774 – 1824)
"In the foreground I saw a man on a white
[August - October 1820]
Her Life
Born to poor but pious peasants in Blessed Anne Catherine
Emmerich (Anna
Katharina Emmerick in German) (8 September 1774 – 9 February 1824) was a Roman
Catholic Augustinian Canoness Regular of Windesheim. She was born in Flamschen (Flamske) a farming community at Coesfeld in the
Diocese of Munster, Westphalia, Germany and died at age 49 in Dulmen where she
had been a nun, and later became bedridden.
Emmerich was a very pious child who suffered with poor health, but who received
visions and prophesies; they were so common that she thought all children
could see the Child Jesus and the souls in Purgatory. She was able to diagnose
illness and recommend cures, and to see a person's sins. She worked on her
family's and other area farms, as a seamstress, and as a servant to a poor
organist where she studied the instrument. Entered the Augustinian convent at
Agnetenberg, Dulmen, Germany in 1802.
her health was poor, her enthusiasm for the religious life was great, and she
either energized her sisters, or put them off badly. Given to going into
religious ecstasies in church, her cell, or while working. The convent was
closed by government order in 1812, and Anne moved in with a poor widow. Her
health failed, and instead of working as a servant, in 1813 she became a
patient. Her visions and prophesies increased, and later that year she received
the stigmata with wounds on her hands and feet, her head from the crown of thorns,
and crosses on her chest, and the gift of inedia [inedia (Latin: "fasting”) is the alleged
ability to live without food.] living off nothing
but Holy Communion for the rest of her life. She tried to hide the wounds, but
word leaked out, and her vicar-general instituted a lengthy and detailed
investigation; it was determined to be genuine. In 1818 she was relieved of the
stigmata. In 1819 the government opened their own investigation. She was
imprisoned, threatened, cajoled, and kept under 24-hour-a-day surveillance. The
commission found no evidence either way, could not get Anne to change her
story, eventually gave up, and failed to publish their findings. When they were
forced to report, they declared the incident a fraud, but could not explain why
they thought so, or why they had not published their findings.
poet Klemens Brentano visited Anne. She announced that she had seen him in a
vision, and that he was to make a written record of the revelations that she
received. He made notes of the messages, translating from Anne's Westphalian
dialect to common German, getting her to confirm his version. In 1833 these
were published as The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to
the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich. This was followed in 1852 by The
Life of The Blessed Virgin Mary, and a three-volume Life of Our Lord from 1858
to 1880. While many such relevatory works deal with spirituality and ideas,
these are very much straight-forward narratives and descriptions of events, yet
have been the source of encouragement for many. Her Cause for Canonization
formally introduced on 14 November 1892. Due to accusations about her vow of
chastity, the investigation was halted on 30 November 1928. However, the
accusations were proven false, and the investigation resumed on 18 May
1973. (Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was beatified on 3 October 2004, by Pope John Paul II.) [Partially taken from: THE PATRON SAINTS also
WIKIPEDIA also Yves Dupont,
Catholic Prophecy, The Coming Chastisement, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc.,
P.O. Box 424, Rockford, Illinois 61105, 1970]
Yves Dupont devoted many pages in his book about the Coming Chastisement to the prophecies of Anne Catherine Emmerich. His source was The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich by the Very Reverend Carl E. Schmoger, C.SS.R. The numbers at the beginning of each quote refer to sections in Dupont's book. As usual, Dupont's "Comments" are very helpful. Remember that he was writing in the 1970s.
Her Prophecies About Our Times
53.1 May 13, 1820, [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "I saw also the relationship between
the two popes. . . I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false
church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city
(of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness. . .
Then, the vision seemed to extend on every side. Whole Catholic communities
were being oppressed, harassed, confined, and deprived of their freedom. I saw
many churches close down, great miseries everywhere, wars and bloodshed. A wild and ignorant mob took to violent
action. But it did not last long.
53.2 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich]
more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by the
secret sect, while storms were damaging it. But I saw also that help was coming
when distress had reached its peak. I saw again the Blessed Virgin ascend on
the Church and spread her mantle [over it]. I saw a Pope who was at once
gentle, and very firm... I saw a great renewal, and the Church rose high in the
Comment [by Dupont] Many prophecies
predict an anti-pope and a schism. Many predict war, bloodshed, and
persecutions right in the Vatican. But also many say that '"it will not last long" and that
"help will come when everything seems hopeless."
53.3 Sept. 12, 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "I saw a strange
church being built against every rule, .. No angels were supervising the
building operations. In that church, nothing came from high above... There was
only division and chaos. It is probably a church of human creation, following
the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox church of Rome, which seems
of the same kind...
53.4 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "I saw again the strange big
church that was being built there (in Rome). There was nothing holy in it. I saw this just as I saw a movement led by
Ecclesiastics to which contributed angels, saints, and other Christians. But
there (in the strange big church) all the work was being done mechanically
(i.e. according to set rules and formulae). Everything was being done according
to human reason...
53.5 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich]
saw all sorts of people, things, doctrines, and opinions. There was something
proud, presumptuous, and violent about it, and they seemed to be very
successful. I did not see a single Angel nor a single saint helping in the
work. But far away in the background, I saw the seat of a cruel people armed
with spears, and 1 saw a laughing figure which said: 'Do build it as solid as
you can; we will pull it to the ground.' "
Comment [by Dupont] Two different churches seem to be
indicated in this passage. First, a puppet church set up by the Communists, and
a "strange church" comprising "all sorts of people and
doctrines" (perhaps in the name of Ecumenism), which will follow modern
trends. This church is "unholy and humanistic," but it is not
Communist inspired, otherwise the Communists would not want to pull it to the
ground. This church is either the true Catholic Church after it has been completely
subverted from within, or it is a new church claiming to be the true Catholic
Church, if two popes are elected at the same time. Some prophecies seem to
warrant the inference that the true Catholic Church will disappear completely
for a while as an organization, but, although disorganized, it will survive in
the persons of the faithful members of the clergy and laity who will go
53.6 July 12,
[Anne Catherine Emmerich] "I had a vision of the holy
Emperor Henry. I saw him at night
kneeling alone at the foot of the main altar in a great and beautiful church
... and I saw the Blessed Virgin coming down all alone. She laid on the Altar a
red cloth covered with white linen. She placed a book inlaid with precious stones. She lit the
candles and the perpetual lamp... Then came the Saviour, Himself, clad in
priestly vestments. He was carrying the chalice and the veil. Two Angels were
serving Him and two more were following. . . His chasuble was a full and heavy
mantle in which red and white could be seen in transparency, and gleaming with
jewels... Although there was no altar bell, the cruets were there. The wine was as
red as blood, and there was also some water. The Mass was short. The
Gospel of St. John was not read at the end.
the Mass had ended, Mary came up to Henry (the Emperor), and she extended her
right hand towards him, saying that it was in recognition of his purity.
Then, she urged him not to falter. Thereupon I saw an angel, and he touched the
sinew of his hip, like Jacob. He (Henry) was in great pain; and from that day
on he
walked with a limp..."
Comment [by Dupont] Henry is the Great Monarch, chosen by God to
restore all things in Christ. Other prophecies, too, mention that he will be
limping. The Blessed Virgin urges him not to falter because the enemies of the
Church are still to be defeated, and his mission is strewn with difficulties.
The white and red of the cloths and vestments symbolize the purity of Christ
the Priest, and the fire and blood of those times. The red color also
symbolizes the age of the Holy Ghost, which is to come after our age of
darkness. It is interesting to note, too, that St. John's Gospel "was not
read at the end." This new development was foreseen 140 years ago by Sr.
Emmerick. [Just a thought: The name "Henry" could refer to his role rather than his given name. The name "Henry" comes from "ruler of the house," ("heim," meaning "home" and "rihhi" meaning "ruler." ) ONLINE DICTIONARY Jeanne]
53.7 August to October 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "I see more
martyrs, not now but in the future... I saw the secret sect relentlessly
undermining the great Church. Near them I saw a horrible beast coming up from
the sea. All over the world, good and devout people, especially the
clergy, were harassed, oppressed, and put into prison. I had the feeling that
they would become martyrs one day.
53.8 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "When the Church had been for the most part destroyed
(by the secret sect), and when only the sanctuary and altar were still
standing, I saw the wreckers (of the secret sect) enter the Church with the
Beast. There, they met a Woman of noble carriage who seemed to be with child because she walked slowly. At this sight, the enemies were terrorized,
and the Beast could not take but another step forward. It projected its neck
towards the Woman as if to devour her, but the Woman turned about and bowed
down (towards the Altar), her head touching the ground. Thereupon, I saw the
Beast taking to flight towards the sea again, and the enemies were fleeing in
the greatest of confusion.
I saw in the distance great legions approaching. In the foreground I saw a man on a white
horse. Prisoners were set free and joined them. All the enemies were
pursued. Then, I saw that the Church was being promptly rebuilt, and she was
more magnificent than ever before."
Comment [by Dupont] The description of the Beast of the sea
and the Woman with Child is strikingly similar to that which is given in the Apocalypse.
Yet, Sister Emmerick's confidant, whose truthfulness cannot be doubted,
said that she had never read it. In this passage the Woman is the Church. She
is about to give birth to ("elect") a Pope who will rule with a
"rod of iron" (Apoc. 12: 5), and her travail will coincide
with the last persecutions before peace is restored. The legions are those of
Henry, the great Catholic prince. Many prophecies say that he will ride a white
horse, and this may be taken quite literally, for by that time Europe will be
in ruins and there will be nothing else for travelling.
53.9 August 10, 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] “I see the Holy
Father in great anguish. He lives in a palace other than before and he admits
only a limited number of friends near him. I fear that the Holy Father will
suffer many more trials before he dies. I see that the false church of darkness
is making progress, and I see the dreadful influence it has on people. The Holy
Father and the Church are verily in so great a distress that one must implore
God day and night."
53.10 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "Last night I was taken to Rome where the Holy
Father, immersed in his sorrow, is still hiding to elude dangerous demands
(made upon him). He is very weak, and exhausted by sorrows, cares, and
prayers. He can now trust but few people. That is mainly why he is hiding. But he
still has with him an aged priest who has much simplicity and godliness. He is
his friend, and because of his simplicity they did not think it would be worth
removing him. But this man receives many
graces from God. He sees and notices a great many things which he faithfully
reports to the Holy Father. It was required of me to inform him, while he was
praying, of the traitors, and evil-doers who were to be found among the
high-ranking servants living close to him, so that he might be made aware of
Comment [by Dupont] When I first
published this prophecy in a 1964 edition of World Trends, it was not
possible to say then that the Vatican was riddled with traitors. Today, it is much more credible. [1970] Here is another question likely to be asked:
"Is Pope Paul the Holy Father referred to in this prophecy?” Frankly, I do not know. In any case, it cannot
be taken for granted that he is.
53.11 August 25, 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "I do not know
in what manner I was taken to Rome last night, but I found myself near the Church
of St. Mary Major, and I saw many poor people who were greatly distressed and worried
because the Pope was to be seen nowhere, and also on account of the
restlessness and the alarming rumors in the city. These people did not seem to
expect the church doors to open; they only wanted to pray outside. An inner
urging had led them there individually. But I was in the church, and I opened
the doors. They came in, surprised and frightened because the doors had opened.
It seems to me that 1 was behind the door, and they could not see me. There was
no office on in the Church, but the Sanctuary lamps were lit. The people prayed
quite peacefully.
53.12 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "Then, I saw an apparition of the Mother of God, and
she said that the tribulation would be very great. She added that these people must
pray fervently with outstretched arms, be it only long enough to say
three Our Fathers. This was the way her Son prayed for them on the Cross. They
must rise at twelve at night, and pray in this manner; and they must keep
coming to the Church. They must pray above all for the Church of Darkness to
leave Rome.
53.13 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "She (the Holy Mother) said a
great many other things that it pains me to relate: she said that if only one
priest could offer the bloodless sacrifice as worthily and with the same
dispositions as the Apostles, he could avert all the disasters (that are to
come). To my knowledge the people in the church did not see the apparition, but
they must have been stirred by something supernatural, because, as soon as the
Holy Virgin had said that they must pray God with outstretched arms, they all
raised their arms. These were all good and devout people, and they did not know
where help and guidance should be sought. There were no traitors and no enemies
among them, yet they were afraid of one another. One can judge thereby what the
situation was like."
Comment [by Dupont] The first remark to be made here,
perhaps, concerns the fact that Sister Emmerick was taken through space and
time (i.e. from Germany to Rome, and from her own times to some time in the
future). In what manner she was thus
carried, she herself did not know. 'This is reminiscent of St. Paul. But
whatever the manner, a person with any knowledge of mystical theology, and
believing what a Catholic should, will know that it is possible. The rest of
the message alludes once more to the false Church of Darkness which will be set
up in Rome, and to the fact that the Pope will no longer be seen in public.
Then, we have another reference to the Great Disaster to come, and the
confusion of the Faithful who, by then will be left without guidance. Finally,
there is the significant reference to the mutual distrust of Christians,
significant, because of the well-known Communist "technique" of
planting traitors everywhere.
53.14 September 10, 1820 [Anne Catherine
Emmerich] "I saw the Church of St. Peter. It had been destroyed but for the Sanctuary
and the main Altar. St. Michael came down into the church, clad in his suit of
armor, and he paused, threatening with his sword a number of unworthy pastors
who wanted to enter. That part of the Church which had been destroyed was
promptly fenced in with light timber so that the Divine office might be
celebrated as it should. Then, from all over the world came priests and laymen,
and they rebuilt the stone walls, since the wreckers had been unable to move
the heavy foundation stones."
Comment [by Dupont] The actual destruction of the Church of
St. Peter does not necessarily follow from what is said here, although it
remains a possibility. The Church of St. Peter may stand as a symbol of the
Catholic Church which, as many privileged souls have warned, will be almost
completely destroyed before being reborn more beautiful and more glorious than
53.15 September
27, 1820 [Anne Catherine
Emmerich] "I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking,
and talking in church; they were also courting women. All sorts of abominations
were perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said Mass with much
irreverence. I saw that few of them were still godly, and only a few had sound
views on things. I also saw Jews standing under the porch of the Church. All
these things caused me much distress."
Comment [by Dupont] When I first quoted
this, in 1964, things were not half so bad as they are now. True, I already had
a photograph showing teenage girls "twisting" in black tights in the
sanctuary of a Belgian church, but not, as now, of nuns dancing and throwing up
their legs while Mass was being concelebrated by a number of priests in
business suits. In 1964 they were not
yet consecrating Coca-cola and hot-dog buns. Although it was obvious that many priests had
unsound views on many things, their love of freedom had not yet driven any of
them to issue ultimata to the hierarchy, or to go on strike, to occupy
churches, to canvass protest notes, nor to challenge openly the authority of
the Pope and hierarchy. These things are now on record.
53.16 October
1, 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] “The Church is in great danger. We must
pray so that the Pope may not leave Rome; countless evils would result if he
did. They are now demanding something from him. The Protestant doctrine and
that of the schismatic Greeks are to spread everywhere. I now see that in this
place (Rome) the (Catholic) Church is being so cleverly undermined, that there
hardly remain a hundred or so priests who have not been deceived. They all work
for destruction, even the clergy. A great devastation is now near at
Comment [by Dupont] It is
clear that these predictions refer to the same period. However, one may
justifiably ask: "Is this really our period? Was not the Church in great danger in the 19th
century too?" To both questions the
answer is yes, for at the time of this prophecy, the arrest of Pius VII was
already a thing of the past. As for the events of 1870, it cannot be said that
they match the details of the prophecy. On the other hand, the specific mention
of Russia (as will be seen later) makes it clear that this is indeed our own
period, as it is hardly necessary to point out that Russia was no threat to the
Church in the 19th century.
53.17 October
4, 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "When I saw the Church of St.
Peter in ruins, and the manner in which so many of the clergy were themselves
busy at this work of destruction, none of them wishing to do it openly in front
of the others, I was in such distress that I cried out to Jesus with all my
might, imploring His mercy. Then, I saw before me the Heavenly Spouse, and He
spoke to me for a long time. . . He said, among other things, that this
translation of the Church from one place to another meant that she would seem
to be in complete decline. But she would rise again; even if there remained but
one Catholic, the Church would conquer again because she does not rest on human
counsels and intelligence. It was also shown to me that there were almost no
Christians left in the old acceptation of the word.
53.18 October
7, 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "As I was going through Rome with
St. Francoise and the other Saint, we saw a great palace engulfed in flames
from top to bottom. I was very much
afraid that the occupants would be burned to death because no one came forward
to put out the fire. As we came nearer, however, the fire abated and we saw the
blackened building. We went through a number of magnificent rooms (untouched by
the fire), and we finally reached the Pope. He was sitting in the dark and slept in a
large arm-chair. He was very ill and weak; he could no longer walk. The ecclesiastics in the inner circle looked
insincere and lacking in zeal; I did not like them. I told the Pope of the
bishops who are to be appointed soon. I
told him also that he must not leave Rome. If he did so, it would be chaos. He
thought that the evil was inevitable and that he should leave in order to save
many things beside himself. He was very
much inclined to leave Rome, and he was insistently urged to do so. The Pope is
still attached to the things of this earth in many ways.
53.19 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] “The Church is completely isolated and as if
completely deserted. It seems that everyone is running away. Everywhere I see
great misery, hatred, treason, rancour, confusion, and an utter blindness. 0
city! 0 city! What is threatening thee? The storm is coming. Do be watchful!
53.20 1820-1821
(No precise date) [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "1 also saw the various regions of
the earth. My Guide (Jesus) named Europe, and, pointing to a small and sandy
region, He uttered these remarkable words: 'Here is Prussia, the enemy.' Then
He showed me another place, to the north, and He said: 'This is Moskva, the
land of Moscow, bringing many evils.'”
Comment [by Dupont] Here, the mention of
Prussia may lead to the inference that this prophecy applies to the 1870
events. (The Pope lost his temporal power and became a virtual prisoner because
the French troops, which were protecting him, were recalled to France during
the Franco Prussian war). However, the mention of Russia is unmistakable.
Moreover, there exist other prophecies saying that Prussia (or East Germany)
will be instrumental in starting World War III. [Our Lady at Medjugorje has told the seers that, by prayer and
sacrifice, World War III has been avoided. By this we should realize that by prayer and sacrifice, other sufferings may also be avoided. Look what happened when Pope Francis called the world to prayer over the Syrian use of biological weapons and the American threat of retaliation. A deal was put forth the very next day which has succeeded in avoidance of international violence! Prayer and fasting works! God does Love us and desires our comfort, not chastisement. Jeanne SEE MEDJUGORJE MESSAGE, JULY 12TH 1982 ]
53.21 June 1,
1821 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] "Among the
strangest things that I saw, were long processions of bishops. Their thoughts
and utterances were made known to me through images issuing from their mouths.
Their faults towards religion were shown by external deformities. A few had
only a body. with a dark cloud of fog instead of a head. Others had only a
head, their bodies and hearts were like thick vapors. Some were lame; others
were paralytics; others were asleep or staggering.
53.22 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "I saw what I believe to be nearly
all the bishops of the world, but only a small number were perfectly sound. I
also saw the Holy Father, God-fearing and prayerful. Nothing left to be desired
in his appearance, but he was weakened by old age and by much suffering. His
head was lolling from side to side, and it dropped onto his chest as if he were
falling asleep. He often fainted and seemed to be dying. But when he was
praying, he was often comforted by apparitions from Heaven. Then, his head was
erect, but as soon as it dropped again onto his chest, I saw a number of people
looking quickly right and left, that is, in the direction of the world.
53.23 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "Then, I saw that everything that
pertained to Protestantism was gradually gaining the upper hand, and the
Catholic religion fell into complete decadence. Most priests were by the
glittering but false knowledge of young school-teachers, and they all
contributed to the work of destruction.
53.24 [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] “In those days, Faith will fall very low, and it will be
preserved in some places only, in a few cottages and in a few families which
God has protected from disasters and wars."
Comment [by Dupont] The symbolism of the
first paragraph may be interpreted in a number of ways: "Heads like
fog" may mean errors of thinking. "Heads only, no bodies and no
hearts" may mean high intellect, but divorced from reality and with no
charity. “Lame" may mean
performance of duty in a halfhearted way. "Paralytics" may mean
powerlessness to do anything although the knowledge of what should be done is
not impaired. "Asleep" may denote an unawareness of the vital
problems which are facing the Church. "Staggering" may mean that the
burden of responsibility is too heavy.
second paragraph may refer to an ecumenical council. Few bishops are sound. The
Pope is holy, but old and tired. His head is swaying; he hesitates; He falls
asleep; he fails to grasp the really important issues of the day. The others
are very much concerned with the World.
Protestantism is penetrating into the Catholic Church. Like those bishops who
have only a head, many priests are more interested in knowledge than in
charity, but it is a false knowledge, worldly-wise, overlooking the essentials,
similar to the knowledge of young school-teachers who have been taught facts
instead of principles, science instead of philosophy.
a result of all this, Faith will fall very low. But the Faith will survive in a
few families which God will protect during the coming disasters.
53.25 1820-1821 (No precise date) [Anne
Catherine Emmerich] "I see many excommunicated ecclesiastics who do not
seem to be concerned about it, nor even aware of it. Yet, they are (ipso
facto) excommunicated whenever they cooperate to [sic] enterprises,
enter into associations, and embrace opinions on which an anathema has been
cast. It can be seen thereby that God ratifies the decrees, orders, and
interdictions issued by the Head of the Church, and that He keeps them in force
even though men show no concern for them, reject them, or laugh them to
Comment [by Dupont] There is no doubt
that this prophecy applies to our times. Writing in past issues of World
Trends, I have cited many instances of bishops and priests who evinced
opinions irreconcilable with Catholic doctrine.
53.26 March
22, 1820 [Anne Catherine Emmerich] “I saw very clearly
the errors, the aberrations, and the countless sins of men. I saw the folly and
the wickedness of their actions, against all truth and all reason. Priests were
among them, and I gladly endured my suffering so that they may return to a better
Comment [by Dupont] This prophecy only states the presence of
errors, without comments. But some other prophecies are more specific; it is
not unduly difficult to recognize the errors condemned by Pius XII in Humani
Generis and by St. Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis (On Modernism). 1 cannot elaborate on this subject; I did
so in Issue No. 10 of World Trends in which the main errors of our times
were examined. In No. 6, I gave evidence that many of the clergy had fallen for
these errors. Some young avant-garde priests are now disseminating them freely
in parish bulletins in the Diocese of Melbourne.
53.27 April 12, 1820 [Anne Catherine
I had another vision of the great
tribulation. It seems to me that a concession was demanded from the clergy
which could not be granted. I saw many older priests, especially one, who wept
bitterly. A few younger ones were also weeping. But others, and the lukewarm
among them, readily did what was demanded. It was as if people were splitting
into two camps."
Comment [by Dupont] This is another significant passage in the
light of current developments. Catholics are divided, and this division was
brought about by the reckless changes in our liturgy and the doctrinal
deviations that were bound to result.
53.28 January
27, 1822 [Anne Catherine
"I saw a new Pope who will be very strict. He will estrange from him the
cold and lukewarm bishops. He is not a Roman, but he is Italian. He comes from
a place which is not very far from Rome, and I think he comes from a devout
family of royal blood. But there must
still be for a while much fighting and unrest.
Comment [by Dupont] This is one of the
countless prophecies announcing a strong Pope and one of the few adding that he
will be of royal blood. But we shall see
more of these. This Pope will make use of his God-given power, the mandate
every Pope receives from Christ and which he has the duty to use unhesitatingly
and resolutely.
53.29 October
22, 1822 [Anne Catherine
"Very bad times will come when non-Catholics will lead many people astray.
A great confusion will result. I saw the battle also. The enemies were far more
numerous, but the small army of the faithful cut down whole rows (of enemy
soldiers). During the battle, the
Blessed Virgin stood on a hill, wearing a suit of armor. It was a terrible war.
At the end, only a few fighters for the just cause survived, but the victory
was theirs."
Comment [by Dupont] This is probably the
decisive "Birch-Tree Battle," which is described in countless prophecies. It
will be fought in Westphalia (Germany) under the royal leader who is to become
Emperor of the West. All the odds will seem to be against him, but after taking
his troops to Mass, he will nevertheless engage the enemy and win. German and
Russian troops will flee in disarray. Both the Birch-Tree Battle and the rule
of the Great Monarch have been described by so many prophecies from the sixth
century onward that it is quite unreasonable to dismiss these predictions as
nonsense. Only ignorance can be an excuse. The fact is, contrary to a widely
held notion, Communism is not "here to stay," and Democracy is
going through its last senile stage. Both the West and the East are diseased,
adhering obstinately to their respective follies, or seeking
co-existence between their two dying systems, and unable to see that something
else is coming.
53.30 April
22, 1823 [Anne Catherine
"I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that
were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, strange, and
extravagant Church. Everyone was to be
admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals,
Catholics, sects of every description. Such was to be the new Church... But God
had other designs."
Comment [by Dupont] This passage is so
plain that no elaboration seems necessary. Sister Emmerick alluded earlier to
the same error. All efforts currently made in a spirit of appeasement to unite
the churches will be cut short by the Great Holocaust. Reunion will never come about through
Conclusion by Dupont
"We have reached the
end of our encounter with Anna-Katharina Emmerick. What she has told us is
anything but heartening. However, there is no cause for despair for the
Catholic who is strong in Faith. The cross
is our symbol. It is an instrument of torture, but it is also the
instrument of salvation. Catholics must never forget this trilogy: 'Sacrifice, suffering, salvation.'"
Download Yves Dupont's book, FREE, Catholic Prophecy, The Coming Chastisement complete text, from the website, ARCHIVE.ORG
Sacrifice, Suffering, Salvation! Trial, Tribulation, Triumph! |
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Love, Jeanne