Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Medjugorje Visionaries, Mirjana, Vicka, Ivanka, 
Ivan, Marija, and Jakov (in front)

SATURDAY, JANUARY 1ST 1983 (The Feast of Holy Mary, Mother of God.)  Ivanka: "Are you still appearing to Mirjana?"  "After Christmas, I am no longer appearing to her for the present." (CP. 99).   

BEGINNING OF 1983:   Jelena asks the Blessed Virgin on the authenticity of the apparitions of the six seers, and on the sign which has been promised: "Pardon me, but you cannot know it; it is a special gift for them. You will have to believe it like all the others. In the meantime, everything that they say corresponds to truth." (Bo.38).    

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5TH 1983:  Tomislav receives, from the four seers present (Ivan, Jakov, Maria and Vicka), the following information: Maria has received 7 secrets, Vicka 8, Jakov, Ivanka and Ivan 9, and Mirjana 10.  We do not know how long the apparitions will last, nor why she no longer appears to Mirjana after Christmas. The Gospa invites us constantly to prayer, to fasting, to conversion. She confirms her promises.

Ivan thinks that the apparitions have ceased for Mirjana because she did not pray enough outside of the apparitions. The Gospa probably did it so that Mirjana would learn to pray in the faith, he volunteers.  (According to other interpretations, the end of the apparitions would be, on the contrary, a sign of achievement and maturity.)  Questioned with respect to the time of the sign: Which month? Which year?  Ivan says: "It is forecast." (CP. 103-104).    

FRIDAY, JANUARY 7TH 1983:  Mary begins to tell her life to the visionaries. They are invited to write down her testimony. They will not be able to make it public until they have received her authorization. (CP. 105). This transmission will last:  for Jakov until April, for Ivanka, until May 22nd, for Maria, until July 17th.  Maria, who was still attending the school for hairdressers in Mostar, received only an abridged account, the days when she was in Medjugorje.  For Vicka, it lasted until April 10th, 1985: a long account which filled three notebooks. Up to this day, the seers have not received authorization to reveal these contents.    

MONDAY, JANUARY 10TH 1983:  Confidences from Mirjana to Father Tomislav Vlasic: "During the 18 months that I saw the Gospa, a great intimacy was established between us. I felt her maternal love. I could ask her all kinds of questions. Thus I asked her why God was so merciless in sending sinners to Hell for eternity?"

"Men who go to Hell no longer want to receive any benefit from God. They do not repent nor do they cease to swear and to blaspheme. They make up their mind to live in Hell and do not at all contemplate leaving it." (CAROL).  (Man's refusal is an irreversible choice.)

Questioned on the subject of Purgatory, the Blessed Virgin says:  "There is there, different levels of which the lowest are close to Hell and the highest gradually draw near to Heaven. It is not on all souls day, but at Christmas, that the greatest number of souls leave Purgatory. There are in Purgatory, souls who pray ardently to God, but for whom no relative or friend prays for them on earth. God makes them benefit from the prayers of other people. It happens that God permits them to manifest themselves in different ways, close to their relatives on earth, in order to remind men of the existence of Purgatory, and to solicit their prayers close to God who is just, but good. The majority go to Purgatory. Many go to Hell. A small number go directly to Heaven." (C. 103).   

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12TH 1983:  Regarding an American television team: Will they be able to finish without difficulties?  "There will be some difficulties, but it will be for the glory of God." (CP. 108).    

TUESDAY, MARCH 1ST 1983:  To Jelena: "Transcribe all the lessons which I give you for the spiritual life; later you will deliver them to the authorities of the Church." (T. 64).  

APRIL 4TH 1983 (Easter Monday)  A message addressed by Jelena to Tomislav, who had written on Good Friday, April 1st, a letter of protest on the subject of the problems suffered in the parish. I was expecting the corrections from a Canonist and no one knew anything except the Pastor he observes in detail. Monday, Jelena appeared without knowing anything, and tells me:  "Do not have recourse to anyone. When you have a problem, you must remain smiling and praying. When God begins a work, no one will stop it."  Father Vlasic judges this fundamental message as per (VB. 4, p. 100), the Madonna does not stop telling us: "Pray, fast, and allow Got to act."  Jelena transmits the message from the Blessed Virgin: "Do not pity anyone. If the police cause you some anxiety, continue on your way joyful and calm. Pray for them.  When God begins His work, no one can stop it. (CP.127-bis).   Father Vlasic notes in the Parish Chronicle the internal locutions which have been received by Jelena after December 15, 1982. The Madonna's message:  "Hurry to be converted. Do not wait for the great sign. For the unbelievers, it will then be too late to be converted. For you who have the faith, this time constitutes a great opportunity for you to be converted, and to deepen your faith. Fast on bread and water before every feast, and prepare yourselves through prayer.  Fast once a week on bread and water in honor of the Holy Spirit outside of Friday.  Have the largest possible number of persons pray and fast during the novena of the Holy Spirit, so that it may spread over the church. Fast and pray for the Bishop." (CP. 127 bis).  

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20TH 1983:  To Jelena, the Blessed Virgin, in tears: "I give all the graces to those who commit grave sins, but they do not convert. Pray! Pray for them! Do not wait for Friday. Pray now. Today your prayers and your penance are necessary to me." (CP. 130).  

THURSDAY, APRIL 21ST 1983:  "You (the visionaries), must behave well; be pious and set a good example for the faithful."  Jakov admits that the Blessed Virgin has made remarks to him several times, concerning his conduct. She has taught him how to participate at Mass, to pray, and to behave around others. (CP. 130).  

SUNDAY, APRIL 24TH 1983:  Message for an Italian doctor who is present: "I bless him just as those who work with him at the hospital in Milan, for everything they are doing. Have them continue, and pray. I bless the sick of this hospital, just like the sick for whom you have prayed this evening, and those for whom you will pray." (Bo. 11).  

MONDAY, APRIL 25TH 1983:  Message received by Jelena, these last days: "Be converted! It will be too late when the sign comes. Beforehand, several warnings will be given to the world. Have people hurry to be converted. I need your prayers and your penance." (CP. 131).  "My heart is burning with love for you. It suffices for you to be converted. To ask questions is unimportant. Be converted. Hurry to proclaim it. Tell everyone that it is my wish, and that I do not cease repeating it. Be converted, be converted. It is not difficult for me to suffer for you. I beg you, be converted. I will pray to my Son to spare you the punishment. Be converted without delay. You do not know the plans of God; you will not be able to know them. You will not know what God will send, not what He will do. I ask you only to be converted. That is what I wish. Be converted! Be ready for everything, but, be converted. That is all I wish to say to you. Renounce everything. All that is part of conversion. Goodbye, and may peace be with you." (CP. 132).  

FRIDAY, APRIL 29TH 1983:  Marijana, (aged 11) sees the Blessed Virgin at the same time as Jelena, but she does not hear her words.  Jelena: "Why doesn't Marijana hear?"  "I do not want to separate you." (CP. 133). (Does the Gospa wish to mean that these two adolescents compliment each other?)    

THURSDAY, MAY 5TH 1983:  With respect to a sick person from Vienna: The doctor has diagnosed schizophrenic. Some priests think it is a question of diabolical possession.  "It is a diabolic possession. One can succeed only through prayer." (CP 135).  

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Assemble about twenty young people who are ready to follow Jesus, without reservation. Bring them together within a months notice. I will initiate them into the spiritual life. They can likewise be more than twenty. Even some adults and children can participate, all those who will accept the rule. I will ask these people to do penance for certain intentions. They will fast and pray for the Bishop. They will give up what they cherish the most, drink, coffee, pleasures, television. It is necessary to have persons who wish to consecrate themselves more specifically to prayer, and to fast. I will give them the rules to follow." (see June 16, 1983) The persons who will follow these rules, will be consecrated whatever their state in life may be. (CP 136). 

SATURDAY, MAY 28TH 1983:  To Jelena: "It is very beautiful to remain Thursdays, for the adoration of my Son in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. It is likewise beautiful to venerate the cross each Friday. I wish that every Saturday, which is the day that the Church had dedicated to me, you will consecrate to me at least a quarter of an hour. Meditate during this time, on my life, my messages, and pray." (CP. 141).  

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1ST 1983:  "Dear Children: I hoped that the world would begin to be converted on its own. Do now, everything you can, so that the world can be converted." (CP. 137).  

THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND 1983:  "Read what has been written about Jesus. Meditate on it, and convey it to others." (CP. 137). 

FRIDAY, JUNE 3RD 1983:  Father Vlasic has begun to form a prayer group requested by the Virgin on May 25th. (Jakov, Vicka, Ivanka ask):  "What do you expect of Fr. Tomislav? Has he begun well?"  "Yes, it is good. Have him continue."  [The visionaries ask:] "What should one do so that people will not drive from here, the priests who work with faith and love?"  "Pray and fast for this intention. I will tell you when the moment comes, what you must do."  [The visionaries ask:] "Father Tomislav wants to call the parish to prayer and fasting, so that the church recognizes that the events here are supernatural.  Is it a good way?"  "Yes, it is a good way. Have the parish pray for this gift. Have them pray also for the gift of the Holy Spirit so that all those who come here will feel the presence of God." (CP. 138). 

FRIDAY, JUNE 10TH 1983:  Jelena, Marijana and Anita, (age 11), are arguing. The first two make peace, but Anita refuses. The other two enter the church. Anita follows them, and suddenly extends to them, her hand. An indescribable joy penetrates their hearts.   "I had been waiting for quite a while for your success. Continue in this manner, says the Gospa." (CP. 142-143).  

SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH 1983:  Ivan: "May the priests begin new work around the church or must they request authorization from the authorities?"  "Do not begin the work until receiving permission from the authorities. Otherwise, someone will inform the latter and the works would be forbidden. Go, and kindly request the authorization. It will be given to you." (CP. 145).    

TUESDAY, JUNE 14TH 1983:  Ivan: "What do you wish that the priests preach during the ten anniversary days of the first apparitions?"  "Have them do what they think is best. It would be good to remind the faithful of the events which have been revealed here in relation to my coming. Have them remind them the reasons for my coming here." (CP.145).  

THURSDAY, JUNE 16TH 1983:  On May 25, 1983, the Blessed Virgin has repeated her desire that a prayer group, totally abandoned to Jesus, be formed. On June 16th she dictated to Jelena the rules for this group:  "Renounce all passions and inordinate desires. Avoid television, particularly evil programs, excessive sports, the unreasonable enjoyment of food and drink, alcohol, tobacco, etc.  Abandon yourselves to God without any restrictions.  Definitely eliminate all anguish. Whoever abandons himself to God does not have room in his heart for anguish. Difficulties will persist, but they will serve for spiritual growth and will render glory to God.

"Love your enemies. Banish from your heart, hatred, bitterness, preconceived judgments. Pray for your enemies and call the Divine blessing over them.  Fast twice a week on bread and water. Reunite the group at least once a week.  Devote at least three hours to prayer daily, of which at least, half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. Holy Mass and the prayer of the Rosary are included in this time of prayer. Set aside moments of prayer in the course of the day, and each time that circumstances permit it, receive Holy Communion. Pray with great meditation. Do not look at your watch all the time, but allow yourself to be led by the grace of God. Do not concern yourself too much with the things of this world, but entrust all that in prayer to Our Heavenly Father. If one is very preoccupied, he will not be able to pray well because internal serenity is lacking. God will contribute to lead to a successful end, the things of here below, if one strives to do his utmost in working on his own.  

"Those who attend school or go to work must pray half an hour in the morning and in the evening, and, if possible, participate in the Eucharist. It is necessary to extend the spirit of prayer to daily work (that is to say, to accompany work with prayer.)  

"Be prudent because the Devil tempts all those who have made a resolution to consecrate themselves to God, most particularly, those people. He will suggest to them that they are praying very much, they are fasting too much, that they must be like other young people and go in search of pleasures. Have them not listen to him, nor obey him. It is to the voice of the Blessed Virgin that they should pay attention. When they will be strengthened in their faith, the Devil will no longer be able to seduce them.  Pray very much for the Bishop and for those who are responsible for the church. No less than half of their prayers and sacrifices must be devoted to this intention."

To Jelena:  "I have come to tell the world that God is truth; He exists.  True happiness and the fullness of life are in Him. I have come here as Queen of Peace to tell the world that peace is necessary for the salvation of the world. In God, one finds true joy from which true peace if derived." (L1, 100).

SPRING 1983:  "Hasten your conversion. Do not await the sign, which has been announced, for those who do not believe. It will be too late. You who believe, be converted and deepen your faith." (L1, 99).  To Jelena, concerning Anita, to whom the Blessed Virgin appeared after Good Friday, and who only seldom gets together with Jelena and Marijana, because of her many obligations:  "If she cannot come because of her responsibilities, have her pray for a quarter of an hour at least, and I will appear to her and bless her."   

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22ND 1983:  To Jelena: "Love your enemies and bless them!" (L1. 100).  

FRIDAY, JUNE 24TH 1983:  "The sign will come, you must not worry about it. The only thing that I would want to tell you is to be converted. Make that known to all my children as quickly as possible. No pain, no suffering is too great to me in order to save you. I will pray to my Son not to punish the world; but I beseech you, be converted.  You cannot imagine what is going to happen nor what the Eternal Father will send to earth. That is why you must be converted! Renounce everything. Do penance. Express my acknowledgement to all my children who have prayed and fasted. I carry all this to my Divine Son in order to obtain an alleviation of His justice against the sins of mankind." (C. 145 - 146). "I thank the people who have prayed and fasted. Persevere and help me to convert the world." (CP. 151).   

SUNDAY, JUNE 26TH 1983:  "Love your enemies. Pray for them and bless them." (MM. 24).  

TUESDAY, JUNE 28TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray for three hours a day. You pray very little. Pray at least a half hour in the morning and in the evening. (L2. 133).    

FRIDAY, JULY 1ST 1983 (toward 11 o'clock at night on Krizevac):  "I thank all those who have responded to my call. I bless all of you. I bless each of you. In these days, I ask you to pray for my intentions. Go in the peace of God." (Bl. 81). 

THE BEGINNING OF JULY 1983:  Concerning the tensions whi:ch involved the diocese: "Fast two days a week for the intentions of the Bishop, who bears a heavy responsibility. If there is a need to, I will ask for a third day. Pray each day for the Bishop." (L2. 134).    

SATURDAY, JULY 2ND 1983:  To Jelena: "Devote five minutes to the Sacred Heart. Each family is an image of it." (L1. 100).  

MONDAY, JULY 4TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "You have begun to pray three hours a day, but you look at your watch, preoccupied with your work. Be concerned with only the essential. Let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit in depth, then your work will go well. Do not hurry. Let yourself be guided and you will see that everything will be accomplished well." (L1. 100).    

TUESDAY, JULY 26TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Be on your guard. This period is dangerous for you. The Devil is trying to lead you astray from your way. Those who give themselves to God will be the object of attacks. (L. 2. 134).  To Maria: "Dear children, today I would like to invite you to constant prayer and penance. Particularly, have the young people of this parish become more active in their prayer." (F2, 113).    

TUESDAY, AUGUST 2ND 1983:  To Jelena:  "Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart. Abandon yourselves completely. I will protect you. I will pray to the Holy Spirit. Pray to Him also." (L2, 134).  

SATURDAY, AUGUST 6TH 1983:  On orders from the Bishop, Father Pervan, the parish priest put an end to the custom which calls for the seers beginning the prayers of the Rosary and the seven Our Father's, Hail Mary's and Glory Be's. Jakov questioned the Blessed Virgin on this subject:  "If it is so, then do not go against it so as not to provoke any quarrels. If it is possible, talk about it tomorrow among yourselves. All of you come to an agreement beforehand." (CP. 165).    

FRIDAY, AUGUST 12TH 1983:  This was an exceptionally long apparition (38 minutes). The Blessed Virgin gives the seers instructions to guide their lives which only concerned them: "Pray more for your spiritual life. Do your utmost in this sense. Pray for your Bishop." (CP. 158).  

MONDAY, AUGUST 15TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "See how I am happy here! There are many who have come to honor me. In the meanwhile, do not forget that in other places there are still more persons who hurt me and offend me. (CP 160).  "Do not be in anxiety. May peace unite your hearts. Every disorder comes from Satan." To the young people who are returning to school: "Be careful not to diminish the spirit of prayer." (L1. 101). M"Satan is enraged against those who fast and those who are converted." (U. 101).    

TUESDAY, AUGUST 23RD 1983:  With respect to Father Emilien Tardif, the Canadian priest of the charismatic renewal:  "Have him announce my messages to the whole world. Let Jesus, only Jesus, be at the center of his efforts." (Bl. 368; CP. 162).  

THURSDAY, AUGUST 25TH 1983:  Father Tardif, Father Raucourt and Dr. Phillippe Madre have been arrested and expelled by the Yugoslavian authorities:  "Do not worry for them. Everything is in God's plan." (CP. 163).  

MONDAY, AUGUST 29TH 1983:  For the intention of a group of young people before their departure on their pilgrimage to Brijeg:  "I wish that you pray throughout your trip, and that you glorify God. There, you will be able to meet other young people. Convey the messages which I have given you. Do not hesitate to speak to them about it." (CP. 159).   "Some begin to pray and to fast just as they have been told, but they get tired very quickly, and thus loose the graces which they have acquired." (CP. 159).    

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH 1983:  "The mother of Jakov (12 years old) dies. The Blessed Virgin consoles him and reveals to him:  "Your mother is with me in Heaven." (CP. 163).  

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH 1983:  "Pray. When I give you this message, do not be content to just listen to it. Increase your prayer and see how it makes you happy. All graces are at your disposal. All you have to do is to gain them. In order to do that, I tell you again-Pray!" (BN 5, 7).  

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH 1983:  "Pray, pray, pray! Do not be discouraged. Be in peace because God gives you the grace to defeat Satan." (Bl. 288).  "In my messages, I recommend to everyone, and to the Holy Father in particular to spread the message which I have received from my Son here at Medjugorje. I wish to entrust to the Pope, the word with which I came here: 'MIR, (peace),' which he must spread everywhere. And here is a message which is especially for him: That he bring together the Christian people, through his words and his preaching; that he spread particularly among the young people, the messages which he has received from the Father in his prayers, when God inspires him." (CP. 169).  

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH 1983:  "My Son suffers very much because the world is not converting. May the world be converted and make peace." (CP.171).    

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH 1983:  To Jelena: "I desire for a great peace and a great love to grow in you Consequently, Pray!" For three priests from Liverpool: "Preach my messages. Speak about the events at Medjugorje. Continue to increase your prayers." (Bl. 368).  

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15TH 1983:  To Jakov:  "My Son suffers very much because men do not want to be reconciled. They have not listened to me. Be converted, be reconciled." (CP, not paged).  

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20TH 1983:  To Jelena, for the prayer group: "I ask you for a commitment of four years. It is not yet the time to choose your vocation. The important thing is first of all, to enter into prayer. Later, you will make the right choice."  For the parish: "Have all the families consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart each day. I am very happy when the entire family meets to pray each morning, for half an hour. (L1. 101).   

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21ST 1983:  "The important thing is to pray to the Holy Spirit, so that He may descend on you. When one has Him, one has everything. People make a mistake when they turn only to the saints to request something. (L1. 101).    

MONDAY, OCTOBER 24TH 1983:  To Jelena, for the prayer group: "If you pray, a source of life will flow from your hearts. If you pray with strength, if you pray with faith, you will receive graces from this source, and your group will be strengthened." (Ba. 45).  

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray! Pray! Prayer will give you everything. It is with prayer that you can obtain everything." (Ba. 45).    

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "I pour out my blessing over you, and my heart wishes to be with you." (Ba. 45).    

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray, pray, pray. You do not learn anything from chatter, but only from prayer. If someone asks you about me, and about what I say, answer: 'That doesn't explain anything. It is in praying that we will understand better.'" (Ba. 45).    

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28TH 1983:  To Jelena: "I see that you are tired. I wish to support you in your effort, to take you in my arms so that you may be close to me. All those who wish to ask me questions, I will answer: 'There is only one response, prayer, a strong faith, an intense prayer, and fasting.'" (Ba. 46).    

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29TH 1983:  To Jelena: "I give you my heart; receive it! I would not want to distress you, nor to stop talking to you, but I cannot stay always with you. You have to get used to it. In the meantime, I wish to be constantly with you, from the bottom of my heart. It is necessary to pray very much, not to say: 'If today we have not prayed, it is nothing serious.'  You must strive to pray. Prayer is the only road which leads to peace. If you pray and fast, you will obtain everything that you ask for." (Ba. 46).  

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Why do you not put your trust in me? I know that you have been praying for a long time, but really, surrender yourself.  Abandon your concerns to Jesus. Listen to what He says in the Gospel: And who among you, through his anxiety, is able to add a single cubit, to the length of his life.'" (Mt. 6:27).  "Pray also, in the evening when you have finished your day. Sit down in your room, and say to Jesus: 'Thank you.'  If in the evening you fall asleep in peace, and in prayer, in the morning you will walk up thinking of Jesus. You will then be able to pray for peace, but if you fall asleep in distraction, the day after will be misty, and you will forget even to pray that day." (Ba. 46).  

MONDAY, OCTOBER 31ST 1983:  To Jelena: "I know that you prayed today, and that you did all your work while praying. Still, I have a particular intention for which I am asking you to say each day, seven Our Father's, seven Hail Mary's, and the Creed." (Ba. 47).  

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH 1983: To Jelena: "I wish that you tell them, that tomorrow is a day of fasting, in order to sanctify yourselves in the Holy Spirit. And pray! Let this message be conveyed to the group." (Ba. 47).  

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH 1983:  Jelena: "Our Lady looked at us tenderly and said: 'I know my children, that you have worked and prayed today. But, I beseech you, be generous, persevere, continue to pray.'" (Ba 47). 

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Where are the prayers which you addressed to me?  My clothes were sparkling. Behold them soaked with tears. Oh, if you would know how the world today is plunged into sin. It seems to you that the world sins no longer, because here, you live in a peaceful world where there is no confusion or perversity.  If you know how lukewarm they are in their faith, how many do not listen to Jesus. Oh, if you knew how much I suffer, you would sin no more. Oh, how I need your prayers. Pray!" (Ba. 47).    

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Do not go to confession through habit, to remain the same after it. No, it is not good. Confession should give an impulse to your faith. It should stimulate you and bring you closer to Jesus. If confession does not mean anything for you, really, you will be converted with great difficulty." (Ba. 47).  

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray and fast! All that you can do for me is to pray and fast." (Ba. 48).  

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray! I have such a great need for your prayers. Give me your hearts." (Ba. 48).    

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH 1983:  To Jelena: "I ask you to pray. That is all that I expect of you. Do not forget to pray to the Lord, morning and evening. Pray, Pray." (Ba. 48).    

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray! You can do everything, yes, you can do it through prayer. Place an image of the hearts of Jesus and Mary in your homes."  

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Give me your hearts, open them to me."  "How do we do that?"  "You must redouble your efforts. Day after day, increase your fervor." (Ba. 48).    

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray, and do it with fervor. include the whole world in your prayer. Pray, because prayer makes one live."  In response to a question, the Gospa only says:  "Pray and you will understand that, some day." (Ba. 49).  

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray, because prayer is life. Through it and in it, you live in prayer." (Ba. 49).  

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray and fast!"  For the intention of the group: "I have often reproached you. Pray with me. Begin right now." (Ba. 49).    

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray and fast. Have all the members of your group come on Tuesday as often as possible. Speak to them about fasting. Fast three days a week for the Bishop. If that cannot be done by everyone the same day, have each one do it whenever he is able." (Ba. 49).    

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray! If I always ask you to pray, do not think that your prayers are not good. But I invite you to prolong your personal prayer, to pray more intensely for the others." (Ba. 49).  

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH 1983:  To Jelena: "At Medjugorje, many have begun well, but they have turned toward material goods, and they forget the only good." (Ba. 49).  

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH 1983:  To Jelena: "My children, pray only!" (Ba. 50).    

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "My children, do not believe everything that people tell you. One must not, because of that, weaken in his faith." (Ba. 50).  

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST 1983:  To Jelena: "Tuesday, that is tomorrow, the whole group will find peace in prayer. All its members will be invigorated in prayer, as it is the wish of Jesus. He entrusts something to each one, and wishes something from each one. It is necessary to make them come back to their promises, which were made at the beginning, and to pray. (Ba. 50).    

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray, pray, pray... Pray, my children. Pray, because only prayer can save you." (Ba. 50).    

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD 1983:  To Jelena:  "Oh my sweet children, pray! I ask you only to pray. You yourselves can see that only prayer can save." (Ba. 50).    

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray and fast!" (Ba. 50).  

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH 1983:  Jelena: The Blessed virgin stayed just a little time. She only said: "Pray and fast." (Ba 51).  

ADVENT 1983:  "Begin by calling on the Holy Spirit each day The most important thing is to pray to the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit descends on earth, then everything becomes clear and everything is transformed." (Bl. 125).    

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH 1983:  To Jelena:  She only said:  "Prayer and fasting." (Ba. 51).  

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH 1983:  To Jelena: "My children, pray and keep your soul pure. I wish to be constantly with you." (Ba. 51).    

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray, pray! Have the parish pray each day to the hearts of Jesus and Mary during the Novena of the Immaculate Conception." (Ba. 51).  "This same day, some prayers were dictated or inspired by her." (Ba. 65). 

"O Jesus, we know that You are sweet.  That you have given Your heart for us.  It was crowned with thorns by our sins.  We know that today You still pray for us so that we will not be lost.  Jesus, remember us if we fall into sin.  Through Your most Sacred Heart,  make us all love one another.  Cause hatred to disappear among men.  Show us Your love.

"All of us love You.  And we desire that you protect us with Your Heart of the Good Shepherd.  Enter into each heart, Jesus!  Knock on the door of our hearts.  Be patient and tenacious with us.  We are still locked up in ourselves, because we have not understood Your will.  Knock continuously, Oh Jesus.  Make our hearts open up to you, at least in reminding us of the passion  which you suffered for us. Amen" 

"O Immaculate Heart of Mary, overflowing  with goodness, Show us your love for us.  May the flame of your heart, Oh Mary,  Descend upon all peoples.  We love you immensely.  Impress in our hearts a true love.  May our hearts yearn for you.  Oh Mary, sweet and humble of heart,  Remember us when we sin.  You know that all mankind are sinners.  Through your most sacred and maternal heart, Cure us from every spiritual illness.  Make us capable of looking at the beauty of your maternal heart, And that, thus, we may be converted to the flame of your heart. Amen"

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH 1983:  To Jelena:  "Pray!"  For the intention of the group:  "I am your mother full of goodness, and Jesus is your great friend. Do not fear anything in His presence. Give Him your heart, from the bottom of your heart. Tell Him your sufferings, thus you will be invigorated in prayer, with a free heart, in a peace without fear." (Ba. 51).    

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH 1983:  To Maria, for a priest: "You must warn the Bishop very soon, and the Pope, with respect to the urgent and the great importance of the message for all humanity."  This message, which was given in September was: "I have already said many times that the peace of the world is in a state of crisis. Become brothers among you, increase prayer and fasting in order to be saved." (T. Vlasic, Apr. 22, 1984, VB. 1, 13).  To Jelena: "Pray, pray, pray!" (Ba. 51).

NOVEMBER 1983:  Before the novena to the Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Virgin tells Jelena: "Before Mass it is necessary to pray to the Holy Spirit."  [Jelena said] "We followed this message during the novena, praying before Mass and asking the faithful to respond, 'O Come Holy Spirit.' After Communion, we sang the hymn to the Holy Spirit, then we stopped doing it." In January, 1983, Jelena says that the Blessed Virgin requested that these prayers be resumed. "We should not have stopped it. The prayers to the Holy Spirit should always accompany the Mass." (Ba. 51).    

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1ST 1983:  "Thanks to all of you who have come here, so numerous during this year, in spite of snow, ice and bad weather, to pray to Jesus. Continue, hold on in your suffering. You know well that when a friend asks you for something, you give it to him. It is thus with Jesus. When you pray without ceasing, and you come in spite of your fatigue, He will give you all that you ask from Him. For that, pray." (Ba. 51).    

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2ND 1983:  To Jelena:  "Thank you, thanks to everyone!"  That evening, it was particularly cold: "You are very good to come to mass without looking for an excuse. Show me that you have a generous heart." (Ba. 52).  

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray, pray, pray only. Prayer should be for you, not only a habit, but also a source of goodness. You should live by prayer." (Ba. 52).  

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6TH 1983:  To Jelena: Pray, pray! If you pray, I will keep you and I will be with you. (Ba. 52).  

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH 1983 The vigil of the Immaculate Conception, To Jelena: Tomorrow will really be a blessed day for you, if every moment is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. Abandon yourselves to me. Strive to make your joy grow; to live in the faith, to change your hearts. (Ba. 52).  

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Thank you my children for having come so often. Thank you. Continue your efforts and be persevering and tenacious. Pray without ceasing." (Ba. 52).    

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray and fast! I wish that prayer be renewed in your heart every day Pray more, yes, more each day." (Ba. 52).    

MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TH 1983: To Jelena:  "Pray, pray, thus I will protect you. Pray and abandon your hearts to me, because I wish to be with you." (Ba. 52).  

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray and fast! I do not wish to say anything else to you." (Ba. 52).    

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH 1983:  "Pray and fast! I am asking you for prayer." (Ba. 52).    

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH 1983:  "Fast on Thursday and Friday for the Bishop."  To Jelena on the subject of catastrophic predictions:  "That comes from false prophets. They say: 'Such a day, on such a date, there will be a catastrophe.'  I have always said that evil will come if the world does not convert itself. Call the world to conversion. Everything depends on your conversion." (Ba. 53).  

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16TH 1983:  "Pray and fast only!" (Ba. 53).    

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray and fast!" (Ba. 53).    

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18TH 1983:  To Jelena: "In this novena for Christmas, pray as much as you can. I ask you." (Ba. 53).    

MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray!" (Ba. 53).  

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray!  For the intention of the group: Fast on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday." (Ba. 53).  

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21ST 1983:  To Jelena: "My children, I say to you again, pray and fast." (Ba. 54).  

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22ND 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray! What is most important for your body is prayer." (Ba. 54).  

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23RD 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray, pray, especially tomorrow. I desire your prayers." (Ba. 54).   

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24TH 1983:  To Jelena: "Pray, pray my children. I wish that this night be spent in prayer." (Ba. 54).    

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25TH 1983:  To Jelena: "My children, pray! I cannot tell you anything else than pray. Know that in your life, there is nothing more important than prayer." (Ba. 54).  

MONDAY, DECEMBER 26TH 1983:  To Jelena: "My children, pray, pray more. It is not necessary to say: 'Our Lady only repeats, pray.' I cannot tell you anything else than to pray. You would need to live this Christmas in prayer. You have rejoiced very much this Christmas, but your hearts have not attained and lived what you have desired. No one withdrew to his room to thank Jesus." (Ba. 54).  To a question from Father Laurentin, Ivan conveys this answer from the Virgin, "Our Lady prays for that. May he who undertakes it, do it in prayer. It is there that he will find his inspiration." (Bl. 367).    

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27TH 1983:  To Jelena: "My children, pray, pray, pray. Remember that the most important thing in our lives is prayer." (Ba. 54).   

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28TH 1983: "My children, understand that the most important thing in our lives is prayer." (Ba 54).    

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29TH 1983: "To Jelena: "I wish that one love, one peace, flourish in you. Pray then." (Ba 55).    

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30TH 1983:  To Jelena: "My children, pray and fast. I wish to strengthen you, but prayer alone is your strength." (Ba. 55).  

DECEMBER 1983:  "There are many Christians who are no longer faithful, because they do not pray anymore. Have them begin again to recite each day, at least, seven Our Father's, seven Hail Mary's, seven Glory Be's, and the Creed, once." (Bl. 137).  "Above all, abstain from television programs. They represent a great peril for your families. After you have seen them, you cannot pray any more. Give up likewise, alcohol, cigarettes, and pleasure of this kind." (Bl. 214) a variant of the message of (Dec. 8, 1981). "The fasting which you are doing in eating fish, instead of meat, is not fasting but abstinence. The true fast consists in giving up all our sins, but one must also renounce himself and make the body participate in it." (Bl. 191). "Monthly confession will be a remedy for the Church in the west. Whole sections of the Church could be cured, if the believers would go to confession once a month." (Bl. 224).
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31ST 1983:  To Jelena: "For you, I only wish that this new year will really be a holy one. On this day, go then, to confession, and purify yourself in this new year." (Ba. 55). She asks the group to continue to pray for the Bishop. (Ba 55)

Cousin Jeanne says,
"Please accept the gift of peace
that the Queen of Peace wishes
you to have and read her
Messages, daily."

Love, Jeanne